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PYPI - Version GitHub release (latest by date)

athena is a file-based rest api client.


I can store my athena workspaces inside the repo of the project they test. Something I was originally doing with ThunderClient before they changed their payment model, but even better since I can leverage some python scripting and automation inside my test cases.

Since the workbook is just a few files in a directory, it is inherently much more lightweight than Postman or other similar api clients. All you need to run athena is a terminal, and (optionally) your text editor of choice.


athena can be installed as a pypi package or from source. athena requires python>=3.11

# from pypi
python3 -m pip install haondt-athena
# from gitlab
python3 -m pip install haondt-athena --index-url
# from source
git clone
python3 -m pip install .


See the quickstart guide to get things rolling. Then check out the api usage guide for how to create executable modules, and see the cli usage guide for how to run them.